Try It out: The Mary Kay App
Skin Analyzer
The Mary Kay® Skin Analyzer evaluates your skin by measuring overall texture, the number and depth of wrinkles, skin tone and undereye appearance. Based on the results of the skin evaluation, the Mary Kay® Skin Analyzer provides a customized regimen of Mary Kay® products that best addresses your skin care needs.

Tips on Using the App For Your Analysis


Once inside the app and looking at the oval, bring the camera closer to your face until the third checkmark starts flickering.
The camera will probably cut off the outer edges of your face.That's ok.
Once the third checkmark starts flickering, quickly look up at the camera hole at the top of your phone, so your eyes are open in the picture. (Don't look at yourself in the screen, you must look up at the camera)
Hold still. The app will automatically take your picture when you are lined up, looking at the camera, with good lighting.
It may take a few tries, but please keep trying. It's worth figuring it out!

Let me know if you need any help! Looking out a sunny window seems to give good lighting.